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all you should know about Newborn Baby Visa Stamping in Dubai in 2024

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Getting all the baby's documents ready for passport and visa is very easy, but only if you do it step by step. Few of the procedures have time limits, so you should probably start all the procedures once your baby has arrived. Contact the genuine hospitals and GDRFA before going ahead and starting the passport and visa procedures. 

After Delivery 

Processing the Birth Certificate in 2024

The parents must ensure that this process is completed within 30 days from the day the baby was born, so it will be easier to select the baby's name before time to make sure there are no delays in naming.

Documents needed for the certificate:

  • An attested and translated marriage certificate (photocopy and original)
  • Father's passport and visa copy and an original
  • Mother's Passport and Visa: Copy and original
  • Husband and wife's emirates ID-copy and original
  • Birth notification details from the hospital
  • Discharge summary from the hospital
You need to submit all the documents above to the Ministry of Health and Prevention to issue a birth certificate. Though the certificate is printed in Arabic, you can have it printed in English. Every copy that you get will be a stamped copy. The copy that you get will cost you approximately Dh 50. Both English and Arabic printed copies will be stamped by GDRFA.
Government hospitals in Dubai do issue an Arabic birth certificate, and then you get it translated to English for attestation. Get both the copies of English and Arabic of the birth certificate attested. Every copy you get attested will cost you approximately Dh 150 per copy.
The new parents will have to compulsorily alert the health insurance providers within 30 days about their child's birth. They will have a full-fledged question and answer with you as parents before they issue the card. If you fail to alert them, they will charge you for the late notice. You should also be aware of the time between birth and the child's card is issued. There will be vaccine charges that will be incurred. All the expenses will differ.

Passport photos for ID's, visas, and some sort of passport are required.

There are several procedures that you will have to follow, for which you will need your newborn baby's passport photographs. You will need the photo's for Emirates ID and also for a residency Visa but remember that your child's eyes should be open while the photos are being taken for identification purposes. Instead of going out and getting the photos, you can just lay your baby on a white cloth, which will make the background, and then take some pictures in natural lighting so that even the newborn is not disturbed.     

The Passport Procedure:

You will have 120 days from your baby's birth to arrange the passport and a residency visa. The baby will adopt the father's nationality; in some cases, it does happen that the mother and father both are from different nationalities. Right before the newborn arrives, you get it checked from your embassy or from the official's website about the process you will have to follow for the overseas application and how the fees differ from one country to another. You must wait ten weeks for all this to happen, which is why it is advised that you do all the procedures early.
Now, it's arranging Emirates ID and Visa for your newborn baby, just like the passport. This also needs 120 days from the child's birth for you to arrange an Emirates ID and residency visa.
This process of filling out the application form can only be done after the passport has been issued to your child. You can get the application form filled out at a tasheel office, where the typist will complete it for you. 

Documents required to be submitted to the GDRFA:

  1. The Visa application form is prepared by the typing office
  2. The original copies of the newborn's attested birth certificate 
  3. A newborn's passport or any one parent's passport attached to it.
  4. Three passport-sized photos of the newborn baby
  5. passport copies of the sponsor
  6. copy of an employment contract for the sponsor or a salary certificate
  7. Original and a photocopy of the attested marriage certificate.
  8. Tenancy contracts registered through the Ejari online system of real estate regulatory agency (RERA)
  9. Fees


To make it easier, here's a fee breakdown:

  • Birth certificate: it will cost you approximately Dh 50 for each copy. (in Arabic)
  • Birth certificate: Dh 50 per copy (in English)
  • Tasheel Attestation Fee: Dh 150 from Ministry of foreign affairs per copy that you get attested
  • Visa fee: approximately Dh 250 
  • Passport fees- differ
All these procedures are a lot for the parents right after the baby's birth because of all the hospital hassle and the mother's sickness still being there. But once all the procedures for the residency visa, passport, and Emirates ID are done, you are going to enjoy it because you will have everything for your baby's first trip. The baby needs to have this entire thing ready well in advance. 

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